Monday 1 June 2015

Cultural Dinner Parties coming soon!

During week 9 (June 15-19) and week 11 (June 29-July 3) Rooms 10 and 11 will be hosting 4 cultural dinner parties.  All class members have been put into groups and there are 10 groups in total.  Each group will host one dinner party where they will cater for 8 people (their group of 6 plus 2 invited Greenpark staff members).  Hosting a dinner party requires each group to supply an entree, main course, dessert, beverages and table decorations.  All food needs to be supplied by group members.  It is expected that all students supply something toward their dinner party. For ease and success we recommend that food is prepared at home then comes to school for re-heating and/or serving.  Today students began brainstorming in their groups about what they may be able to supply. Please discuss with your child what they have pencilled themselves in to supply and what will or will not be convenient for them to manage.  We encourage parents to come and assist your child and their group for the preparation and service of the dinner party. Exact dates and times for each groups service will be announced very soon.  Feel free to comment on the blog with questions, call in and see your child's teacher or send us an email if we can help further. Happy planning!  

Below are some photos of previous dinner parties. 


  1. I am looking ford to my dinner party that i am having.I hope it will be an amazing time.

    By Ella Dunseath

  2. So i am little confused. Does each group get a country and thats the food and decorations we make? Do we each have to make enough to feed 8 people? Deb (Mats Mum)

    1. Hi Deb.
      The groups don't get a country each. It is great to get any kind of food for the lunch. Within their groups the children are asked to be responsible for one aspect each. That may be entree, main, dessert, drinks, salad....etc.
      Some groups may be able to provide a choice but most groups will have a set menu.
      The important part is that the children have three courses to serve and share with their guests. We will be discussing it more in class but all food has a cultural background from somewhere. Pizza and lasagne are Italian, but sometimes we get something really special that no one has tried before.
      Please don't worry or stress about it.

  3. I am looking forward to it my mum is south african so i might bring south african foods. by Mathieu

  4. I am looking forward to the dinner party. I am making chocolate cake and chocolate sauce! by Hayden.
