Wednesday 19 August 2015

Cambodian Omelette

We made Cambodian omelettes in class.  If you want to make some at home, here is the recipe.

Cambodian Omelette
4 eggs, 2 table spoons of fish sauce, tea spoon of sugar, salt and pepper to taste, 2 spring onions (chopped), 100g pork mince, 1-2 chillies (optional), 3 or 4 mushrooms finely chopped, a dash of oil.
1)      In a wok or large frying pan fry the pork mince, oil, chillies and mushrooms until the pork mince is browned.
2)      In a bowl or jug whisk together eggs, fish sauce, sugar, salt and pepper and spring onions.
3)      Pour egg mixture into wok or frying pan over the minced pork.
4)      Leave on a medium heat until the omelette firms up on the bottom.
5)      Place the pan under a grill until the top firms up.

6)      Serve hot or cold.

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