Sunday 17 May 2015

Completed Insect Homework Tasks from Week 4

Laura's "Chamelon Scarb" is amazing.

Faith's "Daisy" has interesting defence bombs 

Teal's "Koowachoo" is an amazing model
Alex S has a very cool "Tweedle Devil Bug" 

Max C created a fantastic "Xoton"

Check out Mathieu's "Flaming Insectornator"
Catalina created a very cool "Deadly Leave Bug"


  1. WOW - what fantastic and creative insects, great job. I am glad they are not real I would be too scared to go out into the garden otherwise. Deb

  2. I liked teals because it was small and it was good model

    by Rosie

  3. I like faiths one because it has bombs

    By Rosie
