Thursday 21 May 2015

Sneeze Safe germ experiment

Friday 22 May

Being Sneeze Safe - Tracking a sneeze

Today we participated in a very cool experiment. We were learning about how far a sneeze can travel. Firstly Mr Brock and Mrs Valois used a spray bottle and pretended to sneeze over the classes. Nearly everyone got wet! Then Hope, Kila and Harrison pretended to sneeze into their hands using the spray bottle. They then dipped their hands into green glitter to symbolise germs. They then shook hands with 3 people who then shook hands with 3 others and so on. Eventually all 60 of us ended up having our hands shaken and what do you know, we are all covered in glitter. We were amazed at how far 3 sneezes can travel. This new understanding and knowledge will hopefully help us to keep our germs under control over the winter months. It will also help us to consider how we prepare and handle food for our cultural dinner party.  



  1. Germs are dirty.

  2. On Friday our class were pretening to get Germs so 3 people got water on their hands and then they put thir hands into green glitter . The Green glitter was the germs then they shook people's hands and gave them germs.

    By Amy

  3. This was so fun doing i cant belive how much green glitter i found.Our classes rm10 and rm11 were the only classes to use the green glitter so we new where it had came from.There were 3 people that had water on there hands and put there hands in the glitter.There was so much glitter everywhere i could'nt belive how many germs that could of been if it was real.
    By Ella Dunseath.
