Sunday 15 March 2015

Cyclones, Hurricanes and Typhoons

This morning Rooms 10 and 11 are a little apprehensive about the approaching cyclone. We had an interesting discussion about the difference between cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons, we discovered they are all the same, they are just called different names.
We talked about what our parents had done to prepare for the storm and what we were expecting to happen during the day today.

For now we have to wait and see what today brings but below is a link for kids and parents about natural disasters.

What's the plan Stan? A kids and parents guide to natural disasters


  1. Really funny

    By Nathan and Arthur.

  2. that's to funny

  3. the video made me and holly cry it is realy sade and beautiful
    from tyrese vaetoe

  4. cyclones are big strong and start in a poor country on the news i saw lots of info about it like i t makes the waves big and i saw someone surfing behind a jet ski awesome!!!!! the waves were HUGE like a giant just so BIG from billy and mathieu

  5. nice work.

    from chloe

  6. its halping kids be safe by teal
