Tuesday 10 March 2015

The Prediction Key

Today Kila chose the Prediction Key during our Thinking Key session. We discussed what our future will be like. Transport was an exciting aspect to discuss. Max suggested that we would travel by teleporters in the years to come. We also talked about hover boards and hover cars. We looked at pictures and news reports of the glowing roads in the Netherlands. Mrs Valois showed us the clip below as an inspiring conversation starter.
Thinking keys not only help us to use our own imaginations, they help us to explore what is happening in our world by developing our curiosity and excitement about developing new knowledge and understanding.


  1. In the future there might be robot teachers. The real teacher will just have to program them from home and email the days lesson through to the robot.

    Then the teacher can stay at home in bed eating peanut M&M's all day.

  2. awesome video i like it!
    By Nathan Childs

  3. I agree with you Nathan it is a really cool video. I would really like it if your cat came in to your house with muddy paws and you didn't have to clean it up. By Faith.:-)

  4. that would be so cool! by Catalina

  5. It would be kind of annoying because you will have touch screens everywhere you go. You don't even get an actual book! By Catalina

    1. I have to agree with you Catalina. I'd miss books too.
