Wednesday 11 March 2015


The Fridge Kids are learning about inferencing during reading sessions. We are developing our understanding of 'reading between the lines' of a text. Being able to inference means we are able to answer questions about a text that are not clearly stated. Inferencing is about making assumptions based on our previous knowledge and finding clues within the text. 

For example: 
The bell rang and the children ran inside. 

We can assume (based on our prior knowledge) that this is happening at a school - although it isn't clearly stated. 

Inferencing is an important reading skill. It helps us to gain an deeper understanding of what we are reading. 

Here are some online games to practise our inferencing skills:


  1. That is funny did you find this on the internet.
    By Nathan Childs

  2. It is so funny where did you find it?

    By Arthur and Nathan

  3. Yesterday after school I did some Inferencing with my Mum and my mum said I was very good at Inferncing. I love Inferencing!!!!! By Faith :-)

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